Patchouli Lave - Description
Patchouli Lave - Inspiration
Patchouli Lave - Loop
Patchouli Lave - Ingredients
The Bright Lights - Description
The Bright Lights - Inspiration
The Bright Lights - Loop
The Bright Lights - Ingredients
Roxbury - Description
Roxbury - Inspiration
Roxbury - Loop
Roxbury - Ingredients


Patchouli Lave is a fresh flowery scent that was created with the symptoms of the first love addiction for Aton . Every single fragrance he creates has something that is linked to his experience in life, even though he is pretty young, he has powerful emotions going through him every time he creates something, and he can express them only through the smell . 

ATON - Patchouly LaveATON - Patchouli Lave

The Bright Lights is a fragrance that contributes to an open mind, and feelings of uplifting your body to the spirit world .
That emotion was made when Aton was in the ocean in the early morning, he was on a boat, and as soon as the sun was rising, he was feeling extremely disconnected from the whole world around him, but he could feel the sun lights going through his soul covering him up with the beautiful calmness .

ATON - The Bright LightsATON - The Bright Lights

Roxbury is more of a darker scent that was created in moments of absolute pleasure... but this pleasure is different from the other creations .
Roxbury connects us with the night style of living . Even though this scent has no liquor / whiskey / rum ingredients, it still brings us these warm feelings of confidence and the incredible passion that you can't resist feeling . The moments you feel like you can rule the world, and everything is in your hands, This is Roxbury, something that you desire .

ATON - RoxburyATON - Roxbury